Records Request for Legal Professionals
Capitol Imaging Services partners with Clearpath to provide an efficient solution for law firms, record retrieval companies, and insurance carriers to obtain medical records, images, and bills electronically. All requests must be processed through the Clearpath platform. Clearpath is a HIPAA-compliant, web-based portal that allows Capitol Imaging Services to fulfill requests more quickly and reliably compared to mailing documents and discs.
Submitting a Request & Receiving Records/Images
Attorneys, record retrieval companies, and insurance carriers only
Once you have obtained a properly signed HIPAA-compliant medical release or generated a subpoena, please electronically transmit your request to Capitol Imaging Services via Clearpath. All legal requests for records and images must be submitted through the Clearpath platform.
Clearpath enables you to send requests electronically, significantly reducing the processing time. Capitol Imaging Services understands that you may require an original affidavit or certification to accompany the request, which will be available on the platform along with your records after payment is completed.
To access an existing account or create a new account on Clearpath, use one of the links below:
Not yet set up on Clearpath? Request an Account
Already have an account? Log in to Make a Request
Email Clearpath Support at support@myclearpath.com or call 1 (888) 757-1255. Paying for Records/Images
Before processing your request, Capitol Imaging Services will electronically invoice you through the Clearpath platform. Fees vary depending on the complexity of the request, the required turnaround time, and individual state regulations. Upon receiving the invoice electronically, you can make a payment via the Clearpath website using your credit card or bank transfer (ACH). Please do not send checks directly to us, as all payments must be processed through the platform. Clearpath does not charge additional legal requestor fees beyond those from Capitol Imaging Services for the release of records and images.
Frequently Asked Questions
Not sure how to request records through Clearpath? Please click here to download our PDF with step-by-step instructions. Do we have to use your Medical Authorization?
No, you may use your own release as long as it includes the same general information as ours. The form must be signed and dated. If someone other than the patient signs the medical release, the legal relationship between the patient and the signer must be specified. You must also provide appropriate legal documentation, such as a Power of Attorney, to show the signer’s authority to act on the patient's behalf.
Why does it take 15 business days to fulfill a request?
Most requests are completed in a shorter time frame. However, due to the high volume of requests we receive weekly, we need to allocate sufficient time to process each one. Given the sensitive nature of the data we are providing, careful handling is required. You can request expedited processing for an additional fee.
Clearpath will automatically send you an email once your request has been processed and your invoice is ready for payment. Please avoid asking for status updates during the selected processing window, as doing so may delay the process.
Must I use Clearpath for my request?
Yes, using Clearpath is mandatory. Every request involves sensitive patient information, and other delivery methods (fax, email, mail, etc.) are not as secure as Clearpath’s web portal.